When Chaos Gives Way to Freedom

The chaos of life can be overwhelming. The outside noise of social media and just the outside world can be overwhelming.

I felt utter freedom in answering “yes” when Ben asked if Truett and I wanted to come help them move some cattle. I normally would stress over all the things that I thought I needed (or legitimately needed) to do and tell him no. I also used to have zero flexibility when it came to my schedule due to work, even when it was from my own small business, I overscheduled and overwhelmed myself in doing so.

I grew up on the back of a horse and we moved cattle down backroads at home horseback as well. They are some of my favorite memories with my family. I have found recently just how much I thrive in getting outside. The sun and fresh air are soooo good for my soul. So when the opportunity came today, I gave a very easy yes.

Why was it easy? Because the chaos is slowly becoming manageable around here. I am stepping back from things that aren’t serving myself or my family, even when it was a hard step back, and leaning into having less chaos and more freedom with our time. I am putting rhythms and routines in place in our home to make it all less overwhelming for me. I realized once Charlie started school, that Truett would soon be following her and days like today would be few and far between for us. He soon won’t be able to join us on a random Tuesday to go gather cattle, so drowning out the chaos has become a huge priority for me this year, in order to make these memories.

We may not have been horseback (Truett and Mom were in the Pioneer) but we did get in there and help and the smile on his face, the little “heyyy calves” in his sweet little voice, absolutely made my day.


A Little Inconvenience..The Best